Company Overview

Company Name: Lext Inc. (Japanese: レクスト合同会社)

Headquarters: Chiba City, Mihama Ward, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Representative: Toya Niidoi

Business Activities:

  • Planning, development, brokerage, export, and import of goods.
  • Planning and production of advertisements, advertising agency services.
  • Planning, formulation, production, and operation of marketing and sales promotions.
  • Business consulting.

Secondhand goods dealer license: Chiba Prefecture Public Safety Commission No. 441340002029.

Qualified Invoice Issuer Registration Number: T6040003022544

Representative Profile

Representative: Toya Niidoi (Japanese: 新土居 統弥)

  • After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Kyoto University, Toya gained experience in BtoC, marketing, and business consulting.
  • Joined a major retail company and then founded a marketing consultancy and system development company, which he operated independently for four years. He specializes in influencer marketing and YouTube utilization, supporting entertainment agencies in their overseas expansion and handling inbound-oriented advertising.
  • As a management consultant, he is responsible for digitization/DX, marketing, and systems (introducing Enterprise Architecture) for medium-sized and small businesses.
  • Founded Lext Inc. in May 2023 with a mission to continuously transmit value from Japan to overseas, striving to benefit not only Japanese companies but also customers worldwide.